Fragile Mindset Vs Gritty Mindset

How to build grit?

I think it could be many things, like:
→    Lack of discipline
→    Lack of patience
→    Lack of grit

But let’s focus on this last one: grit.
Studies have shown that “Grit + Talent” leads directly to success.
So, let’s see how to build grit with a 30-day challenge.

1.    First off, decide on the goal you wanna achieve in 30 days.

It could be:
→    A health goal
→    A business goal
→    A relationship goal
→    …
Just set a goal.

For example, let’s imagine your goal is:
→    Running for 30 minutes daily to improve your endurance

2.    Alright! Now what?
Simple: every day for the next 30 days, take action toward your goal.

In our example, you just need to:
→    Run 30 minutes each day
→    Maintain a steady pace
→    And try to gradually increase your distance

You know, at the beginning you might run 4 kilometers.
Then you might increase to 5 kilometers.
You just need to run 30 minutes every day.

Well, you have two options:
→    You can run on a treadmill
→    Or you can adjust your schedule and run later, before midnight
And of course, this doesn’t apply only to running.
Whatever your goal, you just need to take action daily, no matter what.

3.    Ok! Now the interesting part: tracking!
Tell me, do you track your progress?
Well, how can we measure our progress if we don’t track it?
No problem.
I personally use a Database, like a Google Sheet.

In our example, you just need to record:
→    The date
→    The duration
→ And any notes about how you felt during the run

For example:
→    Day 1 – June 28, 2024
→    Ran for 30 minutes and covered 4 kilometers
→    Felt really fatigued in the last 5 minutes
Got it?
The same goes if your goal is in business or other areas.

4.    Now, if you want, share your challenge with a close friend.
Because they can support you and hold you accountable.
They can check in with you regularly to see how you’re progressing.

5.    Alright, last step.
Each week, reflect on your progress.

For example, every Sunday, take a moment to check your database.
Try to extrapolate:
→    What went well — and celebrate that!
→    What went bad — and learn from that, so next week you can adjust.
All this for 30 days.
