Change this-Not that

As an athlete, I made this mistake for a couple of years.

On the way home from the last race of the season (in late March), I used to say:
→    “Gosh, I could have gotten better results this season.”

Then, after a couple of years, and after realizing that you can’t change your past, I started to think in a different way:

→   “This season is the past. The only thing I can change is the next season. Let’s train harder this time!”
… And I used to throw myself into the gym!

Fortunately, I was 15 when I realized that, but many people fall into this trap every day.
Now we are at the end of December.
344 days are gone—and we can’t change that.

The only thing we can change is the course of these last 21 days, and everything will happen after the first of the year.

So let’s remember:
We can’t change our past. Our past is a tool for extrapolating precious lessons.
The only thing we can change is our future. *
