15 Toxic Phrases Great Leaders Never Say

Many bosses may argue about this, but:

How your manager speaks to you 👉 reflects how they treat you.

Here are 15 destructive phrases leaders should never say:

↳  “I don’t care.”
↳  “I told you so.”
↳  “It’s not my fault.”
↳  “I don’t trust you.”
↳  “That’s impossible.”
↳  “It’s not my problem.”
↳  “That’s a stupid idea.”
↳  “That’s not important.”
↳  “It’s too late to change.”
↳  “You’re wasting my time.”
↳  “Just figure it out yourself.”
↳  “I’m the boss, so do as I say.”
↳  “We can’t do better than this.”
↳  “I don’t want to hear your opinion.”
↳  “This is how we’ve always done it.”

Instead, here are the phrases great leaders say:

↳  “Your contributions make a difference.”
↳  “We can learn from this experience.”
↳  “What do you think we should do?”
↳  “Let’s find a solution together.”
↳  “I appreciate your hard work.”
↳  “Your opinion matters to me.”
↳  “I’m here to support you.”
↳  “I trust your judgment.”

True leaders speak to employees not to command,
but to guide and serve.

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