9 Gentle Reminders To Silence Anxiety

How do you ease anxiety?

Here are 4 steps:

1.     Take a moment and ask yourself:
→    What kind of situations trigger my anxiety?

You can answer by journaling or talking to yourself out loud.

For example, some situations might be:
→    Public speaking
→    Particular business meetings
→    Conflicts with your loved ones
→    Interviews for new job opportunities

Just reflect on your triggers.

2.    Now ask yourself:
→    What thoughts typically run through my mind when I feel anxious?

For example:
→    I might mess up.
→    I’m not sure I can do that.
→    People might be really critical of me

Ever had these thoughts?
No worries, it’s normal.
It’s okay to have those thoughts sometimes.
The important thing is to be aware, right?
Great! Let’s move on to the next step.

3.    Take a moment and ask yourself:
→    How does my body physically respond when I feel anxious?

For example you might experience:
→    Sweaty palms
→    Or your heart starts to race
→    Or you might feel tightness in the chest
We just need to be aware of our physical responses.
Do you know why?
“Uhm, why…?”
Because this way you’ll be able to recognize anxiety easily in the future.

4.    Alright, now we have a clear idea of:
→    Our triggers
→    Our thoughts
→    And our physical response
                                                                                                                                       Guess what we’re gonna do now?
“Uhm, I don’t know…”
Well, we just need to ask this question:
→    What’s one thing I can do when anxiety shows up unexpectedly?

Now your question is:
→    Why do I need to answer that question?

Well, because “preparation” is an incredible antidote to anxiety.
What we’re doing now is just preparing ourselves for “the next time”.

So, ask yourself:
→    What’s one thing I can do when anxiety shows up unexpectedly?

For example, you can:
→    Practice 4-7-8 breathing technique
→    Repeat some positive affirmations you’ve created before
→    Recall a previous situation when you’ve experienced success
The most important thing is to prepare ourselves now.
We can’t wait for “the next moment” to try one of those tools.
We just need to try them now and integrate them into our “anxiety toolkit”.
This way, when anxiety knocks on the door it won’t catch us unprepared.

This is how you can:
→    Understand your anxiety better
→    Prepare yourself for “the next time”
→    And alleviate those feelings.

As we know, preparation and mental wellbeing go hand in hand.
