6 Questions To Challenge Your Automatic Negative Thoughts

How to challenge your negative thoughts?
It’s pretty challenging to avoid it completely.
So let’s focus on getting out of it quickly.
Let’s try this tool.

1.    When you find yourself in that cycle, start with this:
→    Catch the specific negative thought you’re hearing.

For example, you might think:
→    “I’m not good at my job”

2.    Now, imagine a close friend is telling you they’re feeling the same way.
They’re worried that they’re failing at work and not doing a good job.
Just picture it.

3.    Now ask yourself:
→    What would I say to help them feel better?

You might tell them:
→    “Everyone has tough days at work”
→    “It doesn’t mean you’re bad at your job”
→    “You’re doing your best, and you have the skills to improve”


Would you say something like that to a close friend?

4.    Alright! Now, use that same advice on yourself.
Instead of beating yourself up with thoughts like:
→    “I’m terrible at my job”

try thinking:
→    “I had a rough day, but that doesn’t mean I’m not capable”
→    “I can learn from this and keep getting better”

5.    After doing that, take a moment to reflect.
Notice how this shift in thinking affects your mood.
It’s all about treating yourself with the same kindness you’d offer a friend.