5 Anxiety Pills To Always Keep With Us

How can you reduce anxiety?

Here are 5 tools for you:

1.    The Routine Pill
The less uncertainty we have in our lives, the less anxiety we feel, right?
Anxiety knocks on the door when we are uncertain about the future.
So having a series of routines can help a lot.
I personally have a routine for everything I consider “standard”.

Some of my routines are:
→    Calling my parents
→    Preparing meals
→    Morning routine
→    Financial check
→    Sleep routine
→    Workout

All these routines help me to remove uncertainty.
And at the same time, they structure my life.
This way I can live the rest of the day with more presence.
Because I don’t have to use all my energy thinking, “And now? How can I do this?”

2.    The Support Pill
The faster we can talk to someone about our feelings, the faster we can alleviate them, right?
So why not just have a few friends to share those anxious moments with?

Try to reflect on this question:
→    “Who are the 1-2 friends I can share my feelings with?”

3.    The Breathing Pill
→    4-7-8 Technique.
Have you ever tried it?

Okay try this:
→    Breathe in for 4 seconds through your nose
→    Hold for 7 seconds
→    Breathe out for 8 seconds through your mouth
And repeat 5-6 times, staying seated.
You’ll relieve anxiety in less than 3 minutes.

4.    The Boundaries Pill
You have strong values, right?
And you probably have ambitious goals for your life, correct?
Super! I’m rooting for you!
And at the same time, I’m rooting for your boundaries.
Yep, the more we respect our boundaries, the more we can keep away anxiety.

So, reflect on this question:
→    “Have I already set strong personal and professional boundaries?”
If not, take your journal and write them down.
And remember: set them based on your values and goals – not those of others.

5.    The Tech Detox Pill
Reading this content is great, right?
I hope so
But we need some space for ourselves.
Self-love starts with yourself, not with my content.
So, why not do a tech detox?
You can do it daily, weekly, monthly, annually…

For example my Tech Detox is simply this:
→    I stay 11 hours per day without technology.
Simple as that.

I don’t want to go a week per year without technology.
I prefer doing something daily.
So, 11 hours per day without technology.
What about you?
Try to reflect.

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