10 Green Flags Of A Thriving Company Culture

88% of job seekers say that a healthy work culture is crucial for success.

But the biggest challenge is:

Most companies claim they have a healthy culture, but only a few truly do.☝️

So, what can job seekers do to find the best company?

Here are 10 green flags to look for in the first few weeks on the job
(and some you can spot during the interview):

1. You receive constructive feedback.
2. Your ideas are heard and taken seriously.
3. You can ask questions without feeling foolish.
4. You feel that your work is valued and respected.
5. Your achievements are recognized and celebrated.
6. You can easily seek help or advice from teammates.
7. The well-being of you and your colleagues is a top priority.
8. Your manager wants you to grow, not stay in the same role.
9. As a team, you have a shared sense of purpose and mission.
10. You can make mistakes without fear of being shamed or blamed.

If you’re an employee 👇
↳  look for these green flags to make sure you choose the right company.

If you’re a leader 👇
↳  ensure that your team notices these green flags every day.

Company culture is the foundation on which your team’s success is built.
