10 Daily Habits Of Highly Disciplined People

How to be more disciplined?

One thing that works for many people is this:
→    Focusing on others

What do I mean?
I mean doing what you need to do more for others than for yourself.
Let me explain in four steps — with an example.

1.    So, let’s say you tend to skip exercise.
And you wanna be more disciplined.

Normally, what we think is:
→    I’m hitting the gym for my health and wellbeing

Well, we can shift the focus from “us” to “others”.

So, instead of thinking:
→    I’m hitting the gym for my health and wellbeing
we can think:
→    Staying healthy allows me to be more active and present with my family
→    It also sets a positive example for my kids or friends

A simple mindset shift!

Now the question is:
→    How can you do it in practice?

By reflecting on 3 moments:
→    Before the task
→    During the task
→    After the task
Let’s start with “before the task”.

2.    “Before the task”

So, before hitting the gym, do this:
→    Reflect on how your exercise routine will benefit those around you

This can motivate you to stay disciplined.
Remember: you’re doing it for your family and friends.
Not just for yourself.
3.    “During the task”
It’s easy to give up during the task, right?

So, while you’re exercising, do this:
→    Visualize the positive impact your health will have on others

Imagine your kids being inspired by your dedication.
Or imagine your friends being motivated to start their own fitness journey.
All because of you!
You’re an inspiration to them!

4.    “After the task”
Self-appreciation and discipline often go hand in hand, right?

So, after the task, do this:
→    Recognize the benefits your workout brings to others.

Feel proud of yourself.
Your commitment to staying fit contributes to your family’s wellbeing.
If I were in your shoes, I would be proud of myself!

This is how we can be more disciplined.
And of course, we can apply this approach in many areas of life.

Now you might be wondering:
→    “Is this really gonna work?”

Yes! This approach is gonna work for 3 reasons:
→    It’ll increase your motivation
→    It’ll make you more accountable
→    It’ll give you meaning and purpose

Sometimes, we just need a mindset shift:
→    From “us” to “others” 🙂
