What Extroverts Don’t Tell You

How can you chat with an extrovert?
Here are 5 tactics:

1.    Extroverts are enthusiastic, right?
So, when they share their experiences, respond with enthusiasm.

For example you can say:
→    That sounds fascinating!
I know it seems obvious, but you can’t imagine how much extroverts love enthusiasm.
I’m pretty extroverted, you know…

2.    Extroverts love challenges.

Did you know that?
Well, remember this:
→    They often love high-stakes, high-reward opportunities.
They see them as challenges to win.

So, if you have to convince an extrovert to take on a task, do this:
→    Transform that task into a BIG opportunity.
And don’t forget to add a little bit of a risk factor.
That “risk” is seen as spicy sauce — something interesting.

3.    Let’s reflect:
→    When does an extrovert get a boost of happiness?
Uhm, great question, right?

Well, here’s one potential answer:
→    When they have a chance to socialize

Extroverts really love positive conversations.

So, if you want to bring out te best in extroverts, do this:
→    Create opportunities to network or connect
There is a big probability they’re gonna express themselves better in those contexts.
4.    If you’re an introvert, you’re probably a great listener, right?
But if your listening skills are not great, well, we need to improve.
Because if you want to talk effectively with an extrovert, you need to do this:
→   You need to show a readiness to respond.
This doesn’t mean you need to mentally prepare a response while they talk.

This means:
→    Listen to them actively (with ears and eyes)
→    Be ready to express your opinion after their talk

5.    Did you know extroverts think out loud?
Yep! It’s probably my favorite therapy
I spend at least 30 minutes per day reflecting out loud.
Well, because extroverts think out loud, remember this:
→    What they say is not their final thought. It’s just an initial thought.

Let me explain it a bit more.

Introverts do this:
→    They reflect in silence
→    They share their elaborate thought

On the flip side, extroverts do this:
→    They reflect out loud
→    They share their elaborate thought

Do you notice the difference?
That’s why:
→    Extroverts talk a lot
→    Introverts always share deep thoughts.
So, please, don’t judge the initial position of extroverts.
They just need to put their thoughts somewhere.