What Confidence Actually is-What People Think Confidence is

Riddle: What is something you have to chase, even after you capture it? 👀

Answer: Confidence. 🤩

Most people think -If you’re a confident person,
you just always have confidence.

This is far from the truth. The reality is that confident people
have confidence resilience (we’ll come back to this).

So, what exactly is confidence?

👉🏼Confidence is defined as a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities and qualities.

👉🏼In other words, confidence is the quiet inner knowledge that you’re capable and worthy of appreciation.

What does confidence look like?

If you have low confidence, you likely:
❌ Have self-doubt
❌ Believe you are inferior to others
❌ Are overly sensitive to criticism / feedback
❌ Are passive, submissive, and/or indecisive

If you have high confidence, you likely:
✅ Are open and receptive to criticism / feedback
✅ Believe you can achieve what you put effort into
✅ Are willing to volunteer for and/or lead projects and people
✅ Accept that you have strengths and opportunities for improvement

Confidence ebbs and flows. 🌊 It is not an absolute,
but something you have to feed and nurture to maintain.

How? By building your confidence resilience:
1️⃣ Strengthen your self-awareness – get to know yourself to recognize when your negative thoughts and doubt creep in.
2️⃣ Master thought-flipping – flip your negative thoughts to positive ones by challenging the negative thought.
3️⃣ Catalog your confidence evidence – ask when in the past have you overcome difficult situations? Or succeeded when you thought you couldn’t?
4️⃣ Phone a friend – call a trusted friend or mentor to give you a quick pep talk!
5️⃣ Practice gratitude and self-love – thank yourself for being amazingly brilliant and uniquely-you.

🏆Confidence is the prize you win in the battle of you vs you.
🫱🏻‍🫲🏾You were hired for a reason. Bc someone saw something in you.
💜Take that authority you’ve been given and use it in the best ways.