The Tree Of Sugar Addictions

How to break sugar addiction?
Let’s get started right away!
Just 2 simple steps.

1.    So, open your journal and create two columns.

In the first column, do this:
→    Write down any triggers or situations that typically lead to cravings for sugary foods.

In the second column, do this:
→    Write down how you usually respond to these triggers.

Also, make sure to include any thoughts or emotions that arise.
Let’s see 5 examples — Trigger + How you respond.

1.  Stress at work
→    I reach for candy from the office snack drawer to cope with work pressure.

2.  Boredom
→    I tend to snack on sugary treats while watching Netflix to fill the void of boredom.

3.  Social gatherings
→    I often grab desserts and sugary drinks to blend in and ease social jitters.

4.  Loneliness
→    When I’m feeling lonely, I find myself craving sweets for a quick pick-me-up.

5.  Frustration
→    I munch on sugary snacks when I’m frustrated to calm down and take my mind off things.

2.    Alright! Now we’re more aware, right?
Now we just need to develop a plan.
“A plan…?”
Yeah, a plan!
“A plan for what?”
Well, a plan for when those cravings will pop up again.
We just need to figure out how to react differently to those triggers.
Let’s see an example based on those 5 previous triggers.

1.  Stress at work

Here, the alternative to sugar could be:
→    Meditation
→    Deep breathing
→    Progressive Muscle Relaxation

In short, you can take regular breaks throughout the day and engage in one of these activities.

This will help you:
→    Alleviate tension
→    And reduce the urge to reach for sugary snacks.

2.  Boredom

Here, the alternative to sugar could be:
→    Rediscover some hobbies

In short, when you feel bored, you can:
→    Read
→    Craft
→    Cook
→    Walk in nature
→    Play a musical instrument
This will help you distract from boredom.

3.  Social Gatherings

Here, the alternative to sugar could be:
→    Eating a healthy meal before attending the social gathering

This way you’ll be less hungry at the gathering.
And you’ll have an “excuse” with other people.

4.  Loneliness

Here, the alternative to sugar could be: 
→    Reach out to your best friend

In short, instead of eating, you’ll talk a little bit with someone who understands you.
And you’ll feel less lonely.

5.  Frustration

Here, the alternative to sugar could be:
→    Exercise
→    Journaling
This way you’ll be able to unload your emotions.
