The Tree of Addictions

How can you cut a bad addiction?

Here are 6 steps:

1.    Take your journal

2.    Now reflect on this question:
→    What aspect of my life have I tried to change but without tangible results?

This could be
→    A specific habit
→    A specific behavior

After reflecting, write it down in your journal.

For example you might write:
→    “I’ve tried to cut down my social media, but it hasn’t really stuck”
This is your “branch identification”.
3.    Now it’s time to dig deeper into the potential roots.
Meaning, you need to figure out the potential causes of your habit or behavior.

To do this, ask yourself this question:
→    What are the emotions, experiences, or situations that might be contributing to this habit/behavior?

After reflecting, write down your thoughts.

For example you might write:
→    “My frequent social media is often triggered by feelings of loneliness. It’s like I need social connection.”

4.    Now turn the page and draw a tree.
This tree needs to have branches and roots.
                                                                                                                                        Now do this:
→    Label the branches with the specific habits/behaviors you’ve written before.
→    Label the roots with the causes you’ve written before.
For example:
→    Label a branch “Excessive social media use”
→    Connect it with two roots

 1.    The root “Loneliness”
 2.    The root “Desire for social connection”

5.    Now take some time and reflect.

Well, reflect on this question:
→    “How can I directly work on my roots?”

Or more specifically:
→    “How can I reduce my feelings of loneliness?”
→    “What’s a healthier way to feel more connected with people?”

After reflecting, write down your thoughts.

For example you might write:
→    I can join a fitness class
→    I can adopt a cat in distress

6.    Now it’s time to turn your thoughts into an actionable goal.

For example:
→    From next week, I’ll participate in a fitness class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6:00 PM
→    Tomorrow I’ll go to a cattery to get information about adopting a cat (I love cats!)
                                                                                                                                           As we saw, the real challenge is not cutting down social media.
The real challenge is driving away loneliness.
So take some time and give this exercise a try.
There are no other ways to cut our bad addictions — sustainably.
As we know, everything starts with figuring out our branches and our roots.
