The Resilient Spirit- 8 Secret Traits of Resilient People

How to become more resilient?

Have you ever heard the “Three Good Things” exercise?
I mean for building resilience.
Let’s see how you can give it a try.

1.    To start, we need to set aside a daily slot in our calendar.
It’s gonna be our daily slot for building resilience.

For example:
→    10 minutes before bedtime
2.    Alright! Now, during those minutes, ask yourself:
→    What are the three things that went well during my day?

These could be:
→    A small work win
→    Your bike training
→    A crucial conversation with someone

It doesn’t matter the size of those wins.
They don’t have to be extraordinary.
Even small wins are okay.
And guess what you’re gonna do?
“Uhm, jot them down?”
Exactly! In your journal!
Just “Three Good Things”.

3.    Now it’s time to reflect on why.

Yep! For each of the three good things, do this:
→    Reflect on WHY they happened or WHAT contributed to them.

And make sure to consider:
→    Your own actions
→    The support of others
→    And external factors that played a role in the win.

4.    Great! Now that we’ve reflected, let’s finish with this:
→    Let’s take a moment and express gratitude for those three things.

You can do it:
→    Out loud
→    Silently to yourself
→    Or by sharing your reflection with a trusted friend or family member.
This way, in just 10 minutes, you’re gonna cultivate both resilience and gratitude.

Now your question is:
→    Oka, yand why should this exercise work out for me?

Well, because you’re gonna cultivate a mindset that says this:
→    “Even in bad days there is something good.”

This way, when tough times come knocking at the door, you’ll have a different perspective.
You’ll be able to see the bright side where in the past you couldn’t.
Like an athlete, right?
You can’t win all the races.
It’s normal to have setbacks.
The key is getting back up as soon as possible.
And looking at them as fuel for the next race.