The Power Of No-Get All 7 Types Of Rest

The biggest mistake we make every day:

Saying “YES” to things that drain our energy. 🪫
↳  We lose focus on what truly matters.
↳  We don’t make room for proper relaxation.
↳  We allocate time to others that should be spent on self-care.

👇 Say NO to these things to achieve all 7 types of rest:

1. Mental Rest

Say NO to packing your schedule with back-to-back tasks.
Say NO to going to bed with stressful thoughts.
Say NO to constant multitasking.

2. Emotional Rest

Say NO to keeping your feelings bottled up.
Say NO to saying “yes” when you mean “no.”
Say NO to worrying about things beyond your control.

3. Spiritual Rest

Say NO to ignoring your need for purpose.
Say NO to skipping activities that bring peace.
Say NO to things that don’t align with your values.

4. Social Rest

Say NO to forcing yourself to social events.
Say NO to thinking about work when with loved ones.
Say NO to spending time with energy-draining people.

5. Sensory Rest

Say NO to constant screen time.
Say NO to bright lights before bed.
Say NO to loud environments and continuous background noise.

6. Creative Rest

Say NO to stifling creativity with routine.
Say NO to judging your artistic expressions.
Say NO to devaluing your ideas.

7. Physical Rest

Say NO to a sedentary lifestyle.
Say NO to neglecting a proper sleep schedule.
Say NO to pushing your body without recovery.

Saying ‘no’ without giving a reason or feeling guilty is a superpower.

But it’s not a power you’re born with.
It’s a skill that requires constant practice.