The Magical Tree of Self-Esteem

How to boost your self-esteem?

I’m gonna give you a powerful exercise.
Let’s see how you can use it.

1.    First off, think about something that makes you feel nervous or unsure.

For example:
→    Talking to new people

2.    Now:
→    close your eyes
→    and think about the worst thing that could happen if you did that scary thing.

For example, let’s imagine you’re afraid of talking to people.
The worst thing that might happen is that they’ll laugh at you or not like you.
Honestly, I don’t see anything worse.

3.    Now, ask yourself:
→    How likely is it that the worst thing will actually happen?

Well, because sometimes our fears make things seem scarier than they really are.

4.    Now, ask yourself:
→    What might happen if I don’t face my fear?

For example, your answer could be:
→    “I might miss out on fun opportunities or chances to learn new things”
Talking to new people is important, right? 🙂

5.    Alright! Now, ask yourself:
→    What might be ways to deal with my fear if it does happen?
For example:
→    I could start having a conversation with a new person every day while on the train.

6.    Now, before jumping into the last step, do this:
→    Imagine yourself facing your fear and doing really well.
Picture how proud and happy you’ll feel when you’ve overcome it.
In our example, imagine talking fluently with new people.
7.    Okay! Visualizations are not enough, right?
We need to take action.
So, let’s make a step-by-step plan.

By asking yourself:
→    How can I break down what I need to do into small steps?

Then you just need to set a plan for how you’ll tackle each step.
One at a time.

This is a tool you can use to cultivate self-esteem and confidence.
And remember, it’s okay to feel scared.
It’s all about not letting it stop you from trying.
Each step you take is gonna make you stronger and more confident.