The Hand Of Self-Esteem

How can you boost your self-esteem?

Here’s a tool for you:
→    My Unique Strengths

We’re gonna write a story.
Let’s see how you can give it a try.

1.    Grab your journal

2.    Now, think back to a specific moment in your life when you felt “at your best”.
Do you remember when you overcame that challenge?
Or do you remember when you achieved that goal?
Try to recall that moment when you showed your unique strengths.

3.    Oh, it feels good to think about that experience, right?
Awesome! Now it’s time to write.
Take some time and write down the story of that experience.
“Uhm, what do you mean?”

I mean this:
→    Describe what happened in detail and how you showed your unique strengths.
And guess who is the hero of the story?
“Uhm… me?”

Exactly! So make sure to describe:
→    What led you to that situations
→    Your unique strengths
→    The emotions you felt
→    And how you may have positively impacted others around you.

“Uhm, okay, but I have a question…”
Tell me.
“Do I need to structure the story like a real story?”

Yep! Your story will have:
→    An intriguing beginning
→    An exciting middle
→    And an inspirational ending.
Try to vividly reconstruct the experience in your mind as you write.

And you can also decide if:
→    Writing the story in the first person (e.g. “I felt….”)
→    Or writing it story in the third person (e.g. “Chloe felt…”)

Plus, you can also decide if:
→    Writing the story in the past tense (e.g. “I felt….”)
→    Or writing it in the present tense (e.g. “I feel…”)

It’s your choice.
It’s your story.

4.    Okay, now we’ve got a wonderful story in front of us.
Do you like it?
Brilliant! Guess what we’re gonna do now?

“Uhm… I don’t know…”
Well, do this:
→    Take a marker
→    Look at your story
→    And highlight or circle any keywords or phrases that resonate with your unique strengths.

For example it could be:
→    “Creativity”
→    “Kindness”
→    “Determination”
→    “I was resilient”
→    “Chloe showed her uniqueness by…”
Just to shine your unique strengths.

5.    Oh wow! Now your story is really unique, isn’t it?

“Yeah, I like it!”
Great! Guess what you’re gonna do now?
“Uhm… Do I need to read it?”
Exactly! You’re gonna read it every week for the next 12 weeks.
Tell me, do you ever feel a little bit alone at home, maybe during weekends?
“Uhm, yes…”
Okay! So schedule a 10-minute slot for the next 12 weeks on your calendar.
For example every Saturday afternoon.
You’ll use that slot to read your story.