The Garden Of Confidence

How do you boost your confidence?

And how do you discover your uniqueness?

Here’s a tool for you:
→    “I’m Unique because…”

Let’s see how you can give it a go.
1.    Grab your journal.

2.    In the first 8 empty pages, write these 8 titles:
→    Page 1   –   I like who I am because…
→    Page 2   –   I’m super at…
→    Page 3   –   I feel good about my…
→    Page 4   –   I think I’m pretty good…
→    Page 5   –   My greatest talent is…
→    Page 6   –   I’m naturally gifted at…
→    Page 7   –   I really admire myself for…
→    Page 8   –   I have succeeded before at…

3.    Okay, now we have eight pages with eight wonderful titles, right?
Guess what we’re gonna do now?
“Uhm, fill them?”

Yep! before doing that, let’s see an example.
Imagine Zoe — she wants to boost her confidence.
Here’s her journal.

1.    “I like who I am because…”
I like who I am because I consider myself a “compassionate listener”.
Whether it’s a friend in need or a stranger, I’m always there to lend an ear.
And try to offer support.

2.    “I’m super at…”
I’m super at organizing things.
I have a talent for bringing order to chaos — from color-coding my closet to creating detailed schedules.

3.    “I feel good about my…”
I feel good about my ability to stay calm in stressful situations.
When things get hectic, I can keep a level head.
I can tackle problems with a clear mind.
4.    “I think I’m pretty good…”
I think I’m pretty good at finding humor in everyday life.
I love bringing laughter into the world.
Whether it’s a silly joke or a funny observation.

5.    “My greatest talent is…”
My greatest talent is my creativity! 100%!
I love expressing my creativity!
From writing stories, to painting, to drawing…
I’m a little Frida Kahlo — or Pablo Picasso 🙂

6.    “I’m naturally gifted at…”
I’m naturally gifted at connecting with others.
I have a knack for finding common ground.

7.    “I really admire myself for…”
I really admire myself for my resilience.
I always find a way to bounce back stronger.

8.    “I have succeeded before at…”
I have succeeded before at pushing past my fears.
Especially in public speaking and trying something new.
I’ve proven to myself that I can overcome obstacles — and achieve my goals!

4.    Oh wow! I really love Zoe’s journal! You too?
Great! Guess what she’s gonna do in the next few months?
“Uhm, read it?”
Exactly! Two times per day:
→    After waking up
→    And before bedtime.
Just to remind herself of her uniqueness.