The Disciplarian-10 Secret Traits of Disciplined People

How do you stay disciplined?
Self-discipline comes in many forms.

But one thing I learned from sports is this:
→    Your discipline is completely dictated by how you talk to yourself

The words we use when we talk to ourselves matter.
Let me give you 3 examples — 3 mindset shifts.

1.    Many people say to themselves:
→    “Why can’t I…?”

For example:
→    Why can’t I achieve this goal?

A better version of that question is:
→    “How can I…?”

For example:
→    How can I achieve this goal?

This mindset shift is probably one of my favorites.
Once we start using “How can I…?”, everything seems more affordable.

Let me give you an example.

In the last few weeks, I started to receive many DMs.
So I was spending about 20 minutes a day replying to them.
And of course, I was trying to bring as much value as possible.

At some point I realized this:
→    Many of those DMs could easily become a post for LinkedIn.

So I asked myself:
→    How can I optimize my time and bring value not just to one person but to many people?

So, first way to build discipline:
→    Shift from “Why can’t I…?” to “How can I…?”

2.    Another phrase many people use is:
→    “I have to…”

Now, I use this phrase too, but in my mind is not “negative”.
But for many people “I have to” means “obligation”.
And it’s pretty hard being disciplined if you feel obligated.

So, we can switch from “I have to…” to “I get to…”

For example, instead of saying
→    I have to finish this task

you can say
→    I get to finish this task

In short, you move from “obligation” to “desire”.

It’s a mindset shift that gives you:
→    Appreciation
→    Empowerment
→    And a positive attitude

3.    Ever used “I won’t be able to…”?
No worry — you’re not alone.
Try to turn it into “I’ll try to…”

For example, instead of saying
→    I won’t be able to finish the project by Friday.
→    I’ll try to finish the project by Friday.

That simple “try” will put you in a position to really try.
And many times it’s exactly what we need — just trying.

Discipline is probably the thing I believe in the most.
Again, it comes in many forms, but one thing is sure:
→    Our mindset matters more than what we think.