The Cycle Of Imposter Syndrome

How can you deal with Imposter Syndrome?

Here are 6 steps:

1.    Grab your journal

2.    Now write down any negative thoughts you’ve got about your accomplishments.

For example:
→    I feel like I didn’t contribute enough in the last project with my team.

You just need to:
→    Write a list of negative thoughts like that
→    Be as specific as possible.

3.    Now it’s time to challenge those thoughts.

“Uhm, what do you mean?”

I mean this:
→    Look at the negative thoughts you’ve written
→    Figure out if those thoughts make sense or not.

“Uhm, and how can I do that?”
Great question!

Imagine you’re looking at this negative thought:
→    I feel like I didn’t contribute enough in the last project with my team.

Well, to challenge it, ask yourself these two questions:
1.    Is there any evidence that supports this thought?
2.    Are there any concrete examples that support the opposite?

90% of the time, your answer is “no” to the first one, and “yes” to the second one.
Meaning that negative thought makes no sense.
Remember: you need to challenge all your lists of negative thoughts.

4.    Now that you’ve challenged all your thoughts, do this:
→    Look for patterns that trigger imposter feeling.
Ask yourself:
→    Are there specific tasks or situations that constantly make me doubt myself?
For example you might discover:
→    Every time you can’t do a task easily, you feel like a fraud
→    Every time you don’t know something, it feels like you’re faking it
→    Every time you don’t do something perfectly, you feel like you’re not good enough.
You just need to recognize any patterns.

5.    Now let’s turn the page.
Guess what you’re gonna do here?
“Uhm, do I have to write my achievements?”
Bingo! Exactly those achievements there!

Take some time and do this:
→    List all the accomplishments you’ve got in the last year

Hey, big and small ones — not just big.
Remember that time when you ended a project and received praise for your organization?
Write it down!
I want you to list at least 20 achievements. Okay?
“Uhm, okay. And then?”

Then let’s turn the page.

6.    Okay, now we have a blank page in front of us.
Guess what we’re gonna do now…
“Uhm… I’ve no idea.”
Well, what about creating a positive affirmation for each achievement?
“Do you mean I need to create an affirmation for all of 20?”

For example, a positive affirmation could be:
→    I’m a creative problem-solver and my ideas always bring value to my team.

“Uhm, okay, and I need to repeat them daily?”
Exactly! You’re gonna repeat those 20 affirmations every single day.
Out aloud and in front of a mirror.