The Cycle Of Addictions

How can you break free from addiction?

Here are 4 steps:

1.    Grab your journal

2.    Now take a moment and do this:
→    Reflect on the situations that tend to trigger your cravings.

For example it could be:
→    Boredom
→    Stress at work
→    Feeling depressed
→    A relationship issue
→    Specific social settings
→    Feeling lonely during the weekend

Let’s imagine you often feel the urge to eat junk food when you are alone at home.
We don’t wanna eat that food, right?
Great! Let’s go ahead.

3.    Now it’s time to explore some healthy alternatives.

So take a moment and do this:
→    Brainstorm a list of healthier activities you can use when you’re feeling triggered.

Your goal is to use these activities as replacements for the addiction.
But naturally we can’t wait for your craving to do that — we need to do it now.
This way you’ll be ready when the craving knocks at the door.

For example, some healthy alternatives to junk food could be:
→    Journaling
→    Calling a friend
→    Talking to your cat
→    Practicing meditation
→    Going outside for a walk
→    Having some healthy meals just ready in the fridge to eat
You just need to list some activities that could replace your cravings.

4.    Okay, now we’ve got a great list!
Just reading this list makes us feel better, right?
Guess what we’re gonna do now?
Well, we’re gonna create a Coping Toolkit.

“A Coping Toolkit…?”
Yep! A Cooping Toolkit!

Take a moment and do this:
→    Choose the healthy activities you prefer from your list.
→    Add any tools you think can help you to them.

For example, let’s imagine you’ve chosen:
→    Calling a friend
→    Practicing meditation
Great! Now we have to add some healthy tools to your new routine.

Some tools could be:
→    A stress ball
→    Five inspirational quotes to read
→    A playlist of three songs that make you calm

In short, when you feel the cravings for junk food, your routine will be like this:
1.    You take a stress ball in your hand
2.    You call a friend
3.    Then you open the playlist with your three calming songs
4.    You start meditation
5.    And in the end, you read your special inspirational quotes.