Stress Management-The SOBER Technique

How to handle stress at work?
Ever tried the SOBER technique?
It helps you feel less stressed and overwhelmed.

It stands for:
→    S — Stop
→    O — Observe
→    B — Breathe
→    E — Expand
→    R — Respond
Let’s get started!

1.    S — Stop
First things first: take a breather.
Say you’re juggling a big project and feeling the pressure.

Okay, just stop for a moment.
→    Hit the “pause” button on your stress
→    Close your laptop
→    Take a short break to reset

2.    O — Observe
Now, check in with yourself.
Notice what’s happening inside you.

→    Your feelings
→    Your thoughts
→    Your physical sensations
Ask yourself:
→    Am I tense?
→    What’s on my mind?
→    Do I feel anything specific happening in my body?

For example, you might feel a tight knot in your shoulders.
At the same time, your mind might be racing with worries about deadlines.

3.    B — Breathe
Alright! Now, take a few deep breaths.

Just to calm down.
→ Breathe in slowly through your nose
→ Hold it for a second
→ Then breathe out through your mouth

Do this five times.
Just let the air flow in and out.
And focus on calming your mind.
This helps lower your stress level — pretty much immediately.

4.    E — Expand
Alright, we feel a bit better now, right?
Look at the situation from a broader perspective now.
Think about other ways to tackle the issue.
Try exploring different options to solve the problem.

Ask yourself:
→    What else can I do?
→    Is there another way to handle this?

For example, you might wanna reach out to a coworker for support.
Or prioritize your tasks differently.
It’s all about seeing the problem from a different perspective.
Perspective matters, right?

5.    R — Respond

Now, based on the options you’ve considered, do this:
→    Decide on a thoughtful response
I mean:
→    Instead of reacting out of stress, try to choose your next steps carefully
For example:
→    Try to divide the project into more digestible steps
→    Or talk to your manager about extending the deadline
Just try to be a bit more thoughtful