Stop Worrying-The RAIN Method

How to stop worrying?

Ever tried the RAIN Method?
It helps manage worries.
Let’s see how you can give it a go.

1.    R  –  RECOGNIZE
To start, take a moment to sit quietly.
Take a few deep breaths.
Now, bring your attention to what you’re feeling.
Ask yourself:
→    What am I feeling right now?

Notice the worry in your body and mind.

You might notice that:
→    Your stomach feels tight
→    Your heart is beating fast
→    You keep thinking about the sales pitch

Just notice it without trying to change anything.

2.    A  –  ALLOW
Now, allow the worry to be there.
What do I mean by that?
I mean, don’t fight it.

Don’t try to push it away.

Tell yourself:
→    “It’s okay to feel worried — this is a normal part of being human”

Just let the feeling be there without judgment.

Now, get curious about your worry.

Ask yourself:
→    Why am I feeling worried?
→    What am I worried about specifically?
→    How is my body reacting to this worry?
→    What thoughts are running through my mind?
→    Are there specific situations or triggers causing this worry?

Try to be like a detective.
Do you know Detective Columbo?
Yes, that one with the trench coat and the cigar!
Try to explore what’s going on inside you.

You just need to uncover any patterns or specific feelings.

For example, you might realize:
→    “I’m worried that my potential client might not be impressed”
→    “I’m worried about forgetting my key points during the pitch”
→    “I’m worried about how important this deal is for my company”

4.    N  –  NURTURE
Okay, now, just be kind to yourself.
Imagine you’re comforting a friend who is feeling worried.
What would you say to them?

Maybe something like:
→    “It’s okay to feel this way — I’m here for you!”
→    “You’ve been through tough times before — you can get through this too!”

You can also do something soothing for yourself, like:
→    Taking a warm bath
→    Going for a walk
→    Listening to calm music (Mozart and nature sounds are amazing!)

Just treat yourself with the same kindness that you would offer a friend.