Someone’s No Is Your Chance To Grow

This quote really got to me:

“Success is 99 percent failure.” – Soichiro Honda

Every “no” we hear tests us to see if we’re truly ready to pursue our goal.
Every rejection we receive makes us stronger and guides us to a better path.

Here are just a few examples of successful people who have been rejected multiple times:

↳ JK Rowling

12 publishers turned down her book before it was finally accepted by Bloomsbury. Now, she is worth over $1 billion.

↳ Walt Disney

In 1919 his editor told him he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas”. He received over 300 rejections from bankers because his animation idea seemed crazy.

↳ Jack Ma

He was rejected from Harvard 10 times, and after college, he was rejected by all 30 jobs he applied for. He is now worth over £28 billion and is one of China’s most famous entrepreneurs.

↳ Stephen King

Stephen King’s first novel, Carrie, was rejected 30 times by various publishers until it was finally accepted. Now, the book has been translated into hundreds of languages and has been adapted both into a play and a musical.

↳ Andy Warhol

Pop artist with Ukrainian roots, Andy Warhol, was rejected by the Museum of Modern Art – even after trying to give his art for free to them. And they still said “no”. Later, one of his artworks is counted among the top 10 most expensive paintings ever sold.

↳ Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey was fired from her job as a television reporter because she was “unfit for TV.” She then went on to set up her own show and is now a self-made billionaire African-American woman.

Every “no” they received actually helped them achieve success.

Remember, those who rejected you were preparing you for those who would accept you.🙏