Self-Awareness The 4 Archetypes

How to be more self-aware?

Ready to ask yourself 6 powerful questions?

You’re gonna ask yourself:
→    3 questions from others’ perspectives
→    3 questions from your own perspective

This way, you’re gonna cultivate:
→    External self-awareness
→    Internal self-awareness

You just need to:
→    Find a quiet spot
→    Answer these questions at your own pace

At the end, I’ll tell you what to do.
Let’s look at an example.

•  External Self-Awareness

1.    How would your best friend or a family member describe you in a few sentences?
“My best friend would probably say I’m a good listener.
And always ready to help.
Maybe also a bit of a perfectionist.
Instead, my mom…”

2.    What story do you think a coworker would tell about you?
“Lisa would tell the story of when I worked late.

Just to help her finish a big project.

She’d probably say I’m:
→    Reliable
→    Dedicated
→    And always willing to lend a hand

3.    What would your life partner include if they were writing a short biography about you?
“My partner would likely mention how much I love cats.
And how passionate I am about my hobbies.
He’d probably also talk about one of our adventures…”

•  Internal Self-Awareness

1.    If you were writing a letter to your younger self, what would you say about who you are now?
“I’d tell my younger self that I’ve grown into a confident person.
I’d say that I’ve learned to trust myself and follow my heart.
Even though things weren’t always easy.
I’d also remind her to keep being curious and…”

2.    Imagine talking to your future self.
What would you say about what makes you unique?
“I’d tell my future self that my empathy is what makes me special.
I can connect with people deeply.

3.    Take a moment to think about your day.
How did you feel? What were your thoughts?
“Today was pretty hectic.
But I felt accomplished after finishing my tasks.
I had a great conversation with a friend that made me feel appreciated.
During my lunch break, I took a walk.
I immediately felt peaceful — I really enjoyed the moment.

Okay, congrats!

Now that you’ve answered these six questions, ask yourself:
→    What jumps out from my answers? Did anything surprise me?
→    How did doing this exercise make me feel?
→    What do I think I learned from it?

This is how you can get better at understanding yourself.