Pure Adaptability-Polluted Adaptability

All that glitters is not gold, including AQ.
Here’s how to see through the glare:

Everything in life has to be balanced to work for us & not against us.

Everything has a shadow side. Even the good.

AQ, or adaptability quotient, has been touted as the new superior “Q” above IQ & EQ.

AQ is the measure of an individual’s ability to adapt to change, new circumstances, & uncertainty.

Sounds necessary, especially in the world we live in where technology, weather, leadership, & just life in general change faster than ever.

But let’s zero in on “adapt” really quick… 👀

It means “to make fit for a new use by modification.”

Or, changing form to a particular use, purpose, or situation.

We are all just diamonds made under pressure. 💎

And as such, we are made to withstand pressure through resilience.

Recovering or adjusting easily to change (resilience) is the purest form of adaptability & should be our precise goal. 🎯

There is truth in “adapt or die.” We must be willing to be flexible, change, & improve.

But we are still diamonds. 💎

And while we can change our presentation & appearance, we have to understand & accept that we are still diamonds.

Because lost diamonds are of no use to anyone. 😶

Use this cheat sheet to explore the idea of pure adaptability vs. polluted adaptability.

Pure adaptability is how we:
⇢ Adapt in a healthy, measured, & empathetic way
⇢ Maintain our authenticity & integrity in the process
⇢ Balance of our current inner leader with the full-potential leader we are meant to become