New Mindset, New Results

What I learned from sports is this:

“Our results are the product of our habits, and our habits are the product of our mindset.”
So, to get better results it’s all about approaching our goals with a new mindset, which will enable us to establish new habits.

Here are 10 daily habits that accompany me in my life — maybe you’d like to take a cue.
1.    1-hour morning routine
2.    A glass of lemon water
3.    20 minutes of zazen meditation
4.    7 small healthy meals (prepared just the day before, including coffee)
5.    Drinking about 8 liters of water
6.    1-hour workout
7.    11 hours in a row without looking at tech devices
8.    A minimum of 6 minutes without technology every 50 minutes of work (a break for my eyes)
9.    About 15 minutes of looking at nature
10.   3 minutes of gratitude practice at the beginning of the day

These are just some daily habits that kept me company.
And I’m happy they’re gonna stay with me.

What about you?

What’s the new healthy habit you want to bring with you?