Mindful Eating-The Raisin Meditation

How to eat more mindfully?

I wanna give you a cool tool.
I used it when I was a personal trainer.
I mean, with my clients.

What tool?
→    The Raisin Meditation

You just need to practice it once a day for 7 days.
Then, from day 8, you can incorporate it into all your meals.
Or just into one meal a day.
It will help you eat more mindfully.
Let’s see how it works.


Start by picking up a raisin.
Hold it gently in your hand or between your fingers.
Just feel its weight and texture.

2.    SEEING

Now, look at the raisin closely.
Just pretend you’ve never seen a raisin before.
Notice all the little details.
Like its color, shape, and any wrinkles or marks.


Now, roll the raisin between your fingers.
Do you feel its texture?
You can even close your eyes if you’d like.
Just to focus on how it feels.


Now, bring the raisin up to your nose.
Take a few deep breaths.
Notice if it has any smell.
Also, notice what happens in your mouth or stomach as you smell it.
Is anything happening?


Now, slowly move the raisin to your mouth.
Pay attention to how your hand and arm know where to go.
Gently place the raisin in your mouth, but don’t chew it yet.
Notice how it feels just sitting in your mouth.
Do you feel it?


Now, start to chew the raisin very slowly.
Notice the flavors that come out and how the texture changes.
Pay attention to each bite and how it feels.
One bite at a time.


Now, when you’re ready, swallow the raisin.
Try to notice the moment when you decide to swallow.
Do you feel the raisin going down your throat?
How does it feel?


Finally, see if you can feel the raisin moving down into your stomach.
Just notice how your body feels after eating the raisin.

This is how we can eat more mindfully.

→    Practice once a day for 7 days
→    Then, incorporate it into your daily meals
It’s like a gentle meditation