Mental Fatigue Vs Mental Energy

What do I eat to stay energized?
Here are 4 things I do to keep my energy up.
Plus, an extra tip about hydration.

1.    I eat every 2 hours.
But don’t worry — it’s because I’m pretty active.
Many people feel energetic eating every 3 hours.
Of course, my meals are pretty small.

Now the question is:
→    Why do I eat so often?

Because it helps me maintain a constant blood sugar level.
Which means I don’t have spikes of energy throughout the day.
I don’t have ups and downs.
My energy stays almost the same all day.

2.    All my meals contain a solid percentage of protein.
At least 15-20 grams of protein per meal.

→    30 grams at breakfast (from whey protein)
→    15-20 grams in my daily micro-meals (from whey protein)
→    30-40 grams at dinner, after my workout (from fish, meat, or eggs)

Now the question is:
→    Why is it important to add a bit of protein to each meal?

Because it helps us keep our energy steady throughout the day.
When we eat carbs alone, they quickly turn into sugar in our blood.
So, they give us a quick burst of energy, followed by a crash.
So why protein?
Because protein helps slow down this process.
So our blood sugar rises more gradually.
And we can avoid those energy highs and lows.
In short, we feel energized for longer.

3.    All the carbohydrates I eat are:
→    Whole grains
→    Or fruits
→    Or vegetables
Whole grains like:
→    Oats
→    Basmati rice

Fruits like:
→    Lemons
→    Blueberries

Vegetables like:
→    Salad
→    Spinach
→    Arugula
→    Broccoli
→    Zucchini

4.    I eat a lot of healthy fats.
About 50-55% of my “diet” comes from fats.

→    Walnuts
→    Avocado
→    Almond butter (sometimes)
→    Olive oil (Italian, of course!)

5.    I drink a lot of water.
Because our brain needs water to function properly.

Here’s my routine:
→    0.5 liters in the first 5 minutes after waking up
→    Another 0.5 liters in the next 55 minutes
→    Then, about 0.5 liters per hour
Total: about 8 liters a day.

Now, I’m not saying you need to drink 8 liters.
I’m just sharing what I’ve been doing for the past 8 years.
But do make sure to stay hydrated! 🙂
If I drink less than 3 liters, I get a headache.
Because if I drink more, I can push my brain harder.

But if I ask the same from my brain with only 3 liters, it replies:
→    “Hey, I’m sorry, but I just can’t keep up with this level of hydration”
