Meditation For Beginners-How To Boost Productivity In 2 Minutes A Day

If you want to boost productivity by x10, read this.

99% of people think meditation is a fancy practice in the lotus position.

And only 1% know that it’s the best productivity technique used by all the most successful people.

To help you get started, I’ve compiled
10 types of meditation that will help you relax, recharge, and excel:

1. Focused breathing
Focus solely on your breath to calm your mind and increase mindfulness.

2. Box breathing
Inhale, hold, exhale, and hold again in equal counts, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.

3. Anxiety relief meditation
Techniques to alleviate stress and anxiety, such as visualization or progressive muscle relaxation.

4. Walking meditation
Bring awareness to each step and your surroundings to center your mind and body.

5. Trauma-informed meditation
Guided meditation tailored to address trauma and promote healing in a safe environment.

6. Mantra meditation
Repeat a word or phrase to anchor your attention and cultivate inner peace.

7. ‘Do nothing’ meditation
Simply sit quietly and observe your thoughts without judgment, allowing them to come and go.

8. Transcendental meditation
Use a personalized mantra to transcend thought and access deeper states of consciousness.

9. Mindfulness meditation
Practice non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, fostering acceptance and clarity.

10. Nature-inspired meditation
Connect with nature through visualization or outdoor practice to enhance well-being and creativity.

Forget outdated myths like:
↳ Meditation is difficult and boring
↳ Meditation is just sitting around doing nothing
↳ Meditation is a trendy practice for show-offs.

Give it a chance.
Try different types of meditation to find yours.
And you’ll be surprised by how much energy you feel afterward.
