Instant Gratification Vs Patient Mindset

3 Crucial Reasons Why Patience Is Key to Career Success

I think there are many, especially soft skills.
Like emotional intelligence and critical thinking.

But here’s the most underrated one, in my opinion:
→    Patience

The fact is that patience is not as appealing as other soft skills.
But let me tell you 3 reasons why I think it’s key to long-term success.

1. First, patience builds resilience.
And resilience really matters in today’s world.
Now, why does patience build resilience?
Because patience teaches us how to bounce back from setbacks.
And to learn that, we need to make time for it.
For example, let’s say you’re training for a marathon.
Like I did to prepare for the New York Marathon.

If you’re impatient, every bad run might feel like the end of the world.

But if you’re patient, here’s what happens:
→    You understand (and accept) that progress takes time.
→    You understand (and accept) that some days will be tough.

This patience helps you keep going.
Even when things get hard — really hard.
So you start to see setbacks as just part of the journey.
In short, you end up building resilience.

2.    Second, patience makes you less stressed out.
Because when you’re patient, here’s what happens:
→    You don’t constantly freak out about every little thing that goes wrong

I’m blown away by how many people get upset about micro-mistakes.
I really think many people are stressed simply because they’re not patient.
As we know, instant gratification leads to stress.
Because we want everything immediately.

And if we can’t have it, we get stressed.
I think I’m not stressed out not just because I put wellbeing first.
But also because I’m extremely patient.
And let’s remember that patience is an “active tool”.
“Patience” and “waiting” are two different things.
We can be patient and fast at the same time.
So yes, patience is a great stress management tool 🙂

3.    Finally, patience leads to higher-quality outcomes.
Because patience means taking the time to do things right!
And that usually leads to better results.
All the best products you see out there are the by-products of patience.

Where do you think “Made in Italy” comes from?
→    From patience

High-quality products need patience.
So, it’s never a bad idea to be patient.
Especially if you wanna build a very special career.
