How To Protect Your Team From A Toxic Culture

72% of employees leave due to a toxic work environment.
And it’s a leader’s job to shield the workplace from toxicity.

📌 Here are 10 techniques to protect your team from a toxic culture:

1. Culture Code:
Develop and share a set of core values that everyone can align with.

2. Stay Interviews:
Regularly ask employees why they stay and what could make them leave.

3. Peer Mentorship Program:
Pair team members to mentor each other, fostering stronger relationships.

4. Celebrate Failures:
Cultivate a culture where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities, not reasons for criticism.

5. Zero Tolerance Policy:
Clearly state that bad behavior, like bullying, will not be tolerated.

6. No Gossip Rule:
Address and discourage gossip to maintain a respectful atmosphere.

7. Anonymous Feedback System:
Allow team members to report issues confidentially.

8. Conflict Resolution Training:
Provide tools for healthy conflict resolution.

9. Lead by Example:
Demonstrate positive behavior and never support toxic actions.

10. Wellness Program:
Offer resources such as meditation apps, fitness memberships, or mental health days to support well-being.

Leaders, remember:
If you don’t change a toxic environment,
the toxic environment will change you.

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