15 Shocking Statistics On Mental Health

 How can you boost your mental health?

Here’s a tool for you
→    Art Journaling

Yep! You got it right!
It’s a mix of journaling and art.
You can use it when you feel a little down.
Here’s how you can give it a go.

1.    Take your journal

2.    Choose the art form you prefer.
You’re gonna mix it with journaling.

For example you can choose between:
→    Graffiti
→    Collage
→    Painting
→    Drawing
→    Sculpture
→    Sketching
→    Digital Art
Just choose your favorite art form.

3.    Start journaling.

For example you can write down:
→    Your feelings
→    Your thoughts
→    Your emotions
→    Your problems
→    Your decisions
→    Your current situation

Just write down what you’re experiencing.

4.    Take the art form you’ve chosen and turn your writing into art.
For example, imagine you’ve written about a problem you have with a friend.
And imagine you’ve also written your emotions associated with that.

.Well, do this:
→    Take your art form (a drawing pencil, for example)
→    Turn that writing into a sketch.

5.    When you’ve finished your art, ask yourself:
→    “How do I feel now?”
95% of the time, you’ll feel much better
5% of the time, you’ll feel a little bit better

This is how you can boost your mental health through Art Journaling.
If you think about it, it’s not very different from what I’m doing now:
→    Journaling (this text you’re reading)
→    Art (the visual here below)
