6 Secret Arms of The Goal Achiever

How to stick to your goals?
Let’s see how to beat those distractions.

And how to become more disciplined.

1.    So, for the next 7 days, do this:
→    Grab your journal
→    And jot down moments when you feel tempted or lose focus
I mean every day for the next 7 days.
For example:
→    “I checked social media too often when I should have been working”

2.    At the end of each day, review your notes.
What’s your goal here?
→    Identifying common distractions
For example:
→    Social media (especially Instagram Reels)
→    Snacks (especially sweet snacks)

3.    Now, it’s time to reflect.
Reflect on how each distraction affects your ability to get things done.
Ask yourself:
→    How does this distraction make me feel mentally and emotionally?
For example:
→    Checking Instagram Reels might make me lose track of time
→    Eating snacks might make me feel guilty and stressed about finishing my tasks.

4.    Okay, we’ve learned something about ourselves, right?
Great! Now, based on what you’ve learned, do this:
→    Make a plan to reduce or remove your distractions
For example:
→    Turn off notifications
→    Set limits on Instagram
→    Keep tempting snacks out of sight
→    Stop buying those snacks — even better!

5.    Now, based on your plan, start making small changes.
 Just small adjustments in your behavior.
For example:
→    You can set a rule to only check Instagram after you finish work
→    You can eat more frequently during the day so you don’t need snacks
I mean eating healthy 🙂
Ever tried a Strawberry Smoothie?
But use coconut milk, not classic milk.
You know what I mean!

6.    Alright! To finish, celebrate your small improvements each day.
As we know, discipline is a journey.
So we need small celebrations every day — yep, every day!

This simple exercise will help you:
→    Be more focused
→    Build self-discipline
→    Eliminate distractions
→    Stay on track with your goals
→    (And maybe eat healthier) 🙂

Stewart Life Coaching

