6 Mindset Shifts to Overcome Anxiety

How to overcome anxiety?
I wanna give you a special tool.
It’s called “Thought Labeling”.

Let’s see how you can use it.
1.    So, when you feel a little bit anxious, try doing this:
→    Find a comfortable space where you can sit down
→    Close your eyes
→    And take a few deep breaths to relax
Just allow your thoughts to flow naturally — without trying to control them.

2.    As you observe your thoughts, start with this:
→    Pay attention to any negative or anxious thoughts that arise
These could be:
→    Worries   
→    Self-doubt   
→    Negative self-talk
Just pay attention.

3.    Once you’ve identified a negative or anxious thought, do this:
→    Mentally label it as “anxious thought” or “worry”.
For example, let’s imagine we’re thinking this:
→    “What if I fail the test?”
Well, we just need to label it as “anxious thought about failing”.

4.    Now, instead of trying to push the thought away, do this:
→    Notice its presence and accept it without judgment
We don’t want judgment here.
We just need to accept it.
We just need to remind ourselves that it’s normal to have anxious thoughts sometimes.
We’re human beings, right?

5.    Now, after labeling the thought, do this:
→    Imagine letting it float away like a cloud passing by.
Visualize yourself detaching from the thought.
And allow it to dissipate on its own.

6.    Now that the cloud has passed, simply do this:
→    Refocus your attention on the present moment
By bringing your attention
→    to your breath 
→    or to your body   
→    or to your surroundings
Just go with whatever feels more comfortable for you.

Stewart Life Coaching

