5 Types of Imposter Syndrome

How can you beat imposter syndrome?
1.  Take your journal

2.  List at least five achievements from the last two years.
For example:
→  I completed a challenging project

3.  Now it’s time to reflect.
Yes, your role! You’ve played a crucial part in those achievements, right?
“Well, of course!”
Great! So take some time and, for each achievement, do this:
→  Write a brief paragraph.
Make sure to describe your contribution and effort in each achievement.
And be as specific as possible.
For example, some points in your description could be:
→  I kept all my teammates aligned
→  I meticulously planned and executed each phase
→  I demonstrated my strong problem-solving skills
→  I adapted my strategy during a challenging period
→  I delivered the project two days in advance and received great feedback

Okay? Are you with me?
You just need to write a brief paragraph.
60-70 words are enough.
And you’re gonna do this for all five achievements.

4. Now that you have 5 achievements and 5 descriptions, do this:
→  Turn them into 5 positive affirmations.
For example it could be:
→  “I was in charge of a diverse team and we pulled it off! My leadership and communication skills really came through.”
Just make sure your affirmations convey positivity.

5.  Now that you have 5 affirmations, do this:
→  Set in your agenda 2-minute slot daily
And guess what? What are you gonna do in that minute?
That’s right! Exactly what you are thinking!
→  You’re gonna repeat 1 affirmation a day
→  Monday:   Affirmation 1
→  Tuesday:   Affirmation 2
→  Wednesday: Affirmation 3
→  Thursday:  Affirmation 4
→  Friday:     Affirmation 5
→  Saturday:   Affirmation 1
→  Sunday:    Affirmation 2

And so on.
You’re simply gonna repeat that affirmation and focus on it.
Just 2 minutes a day.
But here’s the magic:
→  You’re gonna repeat it in front of a mirror every morning
→  You’re gonna visualize the associated achievement you got
→  You’re gonna remember the skills and qualities you possess

Now your question is:
Stay consistent for 90 days and something really magic will happen.
This is how you can beat imposter syndrome.
As we know, the other side of the coin reflects a growth mindset.
The only way to beat imposter syndrome is by flipping the coin.

Stewart Life Coaching

