The Rewards of Solitude

The Rewards of Solitude

Once you’re spending productive time in solitude, you begin to know your own personality, values, and goals. During this process, you develop qualities that prepare you for love at every stage of a relationship in several ways.

One Mind

We develop the ability to see and know ourselves without the influence of another min. Solitude allows us to understand our own complexity. We become students of ourselves. Solitude helps us master the senses-the mind-because in solitude we’re only dealing with one mind. One set of thoughts. These days, our senses are constantly overstimulated, not just by people but by all the unfiltered information that bombards us. Everything competes for our attention, and amid the noise we have no chance to identify what’s important. They say love is blind because when we are overwhelmed by sensory stimulation we can’t see clearly. The senses attract us to the newest, nicest, shiniest thing, without giving us a chance to reflect before we make decisions.

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