I Call B-S

Can we all just take a minute? Can we just-I mean…what in the actual almighty world just happened? I mean, I’m assuming you’re not just reading this for the hell of it. I’m assuming you grabbed it because you’re feeling like the main event in a butt-kicking contest. I assume you’re here because some part of your world got turned inside out and you’re trying to find your way back. So, before we run into what to do to change anything or help anything, let’s take a second and call bullshit. Seriously. I know it’s not polite. I know it’s not what “good girls” do. Good girls don’t call b-s. In fact, good girls don’t even know the word b-s. It seems everyone would prefer that when we’re hurt or scared or uncertain that we don’t bother anyone else with it. Or at least keep our feelings at an “acceptable” level. “Yes, we know your world is burning down around you but do please hold on to the propriety and stoicism of that quintet who continued to play even as the Titanic went down. No. Not here, my friend. This time together, this is our sacred space. This is an opportunity for you to be real and raw and to hold whatever negative emotion you have about whatever you’re going through. I won’t judge you…I literally can’t even see you right now. We’re about to talk about some hard things and every single chapter from here on out is about trying to help you get through the place you’re in. But…it’s going to be impossible to move forward if you can’t first acknowledge that it sucks mightily that you’re here in the first place.

#stewartlifecoaching #callingbs #seeitcoming
