The Habit of Thinking in Alignment with your dreams

Oscar Wilde once observed that “we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the starts.” This is a perfect example of what it means to align your vision and thoughts so that they’re balanced with what you sense you’re here to be. A thought such as it is my intention to create a place to help underprivileged children is in reality a message to the Universe. If you feel strongly that you came here for a particular purpose, then you should cultivate energy to match this dream. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances of your life are. Your current financial status is unimportant when it comes to your pursuit of this purpose. the presence of a gaggle of naysayers shouldn’t sway you or make you doubt your attraction to your calling. What you’re doing as you get your life balanced with your dream is beginning to co-create your life. Co-creation is cooperatively using the energy energy of creation. You emulate this creation field by being as much like it as possible. This involves your willingness to contemplate yourself as a being of balance attracting the conditions you desire to produce. It is in the contemplation of this power that you actually acquire this power. Reread that statement until it sticks with you like superglue. You cannot manifest a place for helping underprivileged children by contemplating the impossibility of that happening. Even if you’re in the gutter, you have the option of looking at the stars. This means thinking star thoughts along the lines of I know it, I desire it, it’s on its way, nothing can stop it, and there’s nothing for me to be upset about.
#stewartlifecoaching #thinkinalignmentwithyourdreams #looktothestars