Discovering The Powers Of The Brain

We are living in such exciting times when parents, teachers, and government officials all recognize that the old paradigms aren’t working. We now know that we have to rethink how we nurture the next generation and improve our children’s emotional live. The future is in our hands, and soon to be in theirs. Before we can fully embrace mindfulness in all its many facets, we need to understand a few key facts about the human brain. By becoming familiar with the chief structures involved in thinking, learning, and feeling, we can learn to use the powers of the brain to create emotional well-being. More important, we’ll be able to explain to our children how the brain works, in simple ways, finding teachable moments to share our discoveries at the dinner table, in the car, or on the way to school whenever and wherever it feels appropriate. Most important, we can teach them that they can be in control of their brains rather than the other way around.

#stewartlifecoaching #brainpower #thinklearnfeel
