Global unhappiness on the rise. Unhappiness is soaring around the world

Just one in five people have a great life, according to new Gallup research. The analytics and advisory firm has been conducting research on how people feel about their wellbeing — or, in other words, how happy they are — since 2006. While Gallup found that global unhappiness is on the rise, there were some common themes among the 20% of the global population that still feel happy with their lives. The similarities include feeling fulfilled by work, having little financial stress, liking your community, keeping good physical health and maintaining loving relationships.

The problem began long before the pandemic.

Negative emotions—the aggregate of stress, sadness, anger, worry and physical pain—reached a record high last year. This may not be surprising. The world is suffering from a large European conflict (in addition to other ongoing wars), inflation and the consequences of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. But the global rise in unhappiness started long before most of those issues made headlines. In fact, unhappiness has been increasing for a decade. Contact us at Stewart Life Coaching, we will help steer you. or call us. We can help.