Resisting God

When we resist happiness we are resisting God. God is happiness, think about that. The definition of resist is: withstand, strive against, oppose. Opposing God is a foolish thing to do. The insane, egomaniacal resist God, and yet, we all fall into both categories time to time. Consider the idea don’t read through it, reflect.
Have you ever wanted good for someone more than they did for themselves? This dilemma faces parents, teachers, pastors, coaches, and leaders. We can see what is possible for our children, students, players, parishioners, but we cannot always assist them to see it for themselves.
As a life coach I can assist you to develop a strategic plan for your life, business, executive corporate leaders to gain perspective on the biggest challenges facing business and organizations. It’s amazing how life changing this can be.
#stewartlifecoaching #resistinghappiness #OvercomingthestruggleÂ