Ordinary Things

I’m a planner, very organized. Everything has a place, and I like it when things are in their place. Now, many would say this is a good quality, but, even our good qualities get in the way of experiencing God. It’s amazing how our children pick up these things from us. My children ask me every Sunday, “What are the plans for this week?” “What interesting things are you planning?” So, we sit down and go over the week, they even chime in on changes to help speed up the work. Planning is good and necessary up to a point, but we find God in the NOW! God lives in the eternal now. He is constantly inviting us to immerse ourselves in the present moment to be with him. God gives you present moment awareness. He wants you to be aware of things while they are actually happening. Learn to find God in ordinary activities through out your day. At the end of each day, write down three times when you were fully aware of him in your day.

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