Living Soulfully

After the b-b-q we began talking regularly. It was obvious that he had my best interest at heart. He was a friend of my soul but I didn’t realize this at the time. That is a difficult thing to find in the world, but I didn’t realize that either. He reminded me that I was not just a body having a physical experience but also an eternal soul and life is as much spiritual as it is physical. I was taught to pay attention to spiritual things, to recognize when my soul was hungry. When we are spiritually hungry we become irritable, restless, discontented. Most people have an a-ha moment in their spiritual journey, or some call this a Pentecost Moment. It is the experience that makes everything fall into place and make sense.
When I did something that I knew was God’s will, something that helps me be a better version of myself, I am filled with joy. When I did something that I knew was wrong or not good for me, that joy evaporated. Every moment of everyday, all situations, everyone we encounter is an opportunity to become a better self.
#stewartlifecoaching #livesoulfully #treatallwithcare