Let Your Light Shine

The full verse from Matthew’s Gospel: “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and give good works and give glory to your Father in heaven”
Are you letting your light shine? There are two things I find interesting in this one verse, beyond the obvious. the obvious is that God wants you to let your light shine. The less obvious is the Jesus assumes that you will do good works. He doesn’t say, “If you do good works” or “On the chance that you get around to doing some good works, in the midst of your very busy life.” No, he assumes that you will do good works. You were made for good works. You were created to let your light shine. Everyone lets his/her light shine in different ways. Everyone has a perfect mix of talents and abilities. The danger here is to fall into the trap of comparisons. Comparisons are worthless in a world of individuals. You are the perfect mix of talents and abilities to fulfill the mission that God has in mind for you. There is no point worrying about what talents and abilities other people have. If you don’t have them, you don’t need them for your mission. So get on out there and do good works. Let you lights shine! God wants to move you beyond all these bad habits of the mind, body, and should, and fill you with his grace and courage so that you can go out into the world and let your light shine. You have the perfect personality and talents to fulfill the mission God is entrusting to you. Which of these traits most prevents you from letting your light shine? Fear, laziness, procrastination, selfishness, addiction, obsession, comparing yourself to others, allowing your critics to drain your energy and direct your life, an unwillingness to move beyond your comfort zone, self-doubt, gossip, negative relationships, worry, excuses.
#stewartlifecoaching #shineyourlightÂ