
We’re all hungry for something. Figuring out what we’re really hungry for is one of the great spiritual quests of life. There are so many different types of hunger. There’s natural hunger for food, but most of us are rarely hungry for food. Our tendency to overeat often limits our ability to work out what we’re really hungry for. Some are hungry for: comfort, belong, success, sex, safety, adventure, security, travel. To be human is to be hungry. What are you hungry for? It takes spiritual awareness to work out over time what we are really hungry for.
What’s the purpose of hunger? Every yearning we experience as human beings is a yearning for something more complete. Ultimate spiritual awareness leads us to understand that every yearning is in some mysterious way a yearning for God. While we are searching for him far and wide in the world, is is waiting for us in the very depths of our souls. We are all struggling with something. This is my thing St. Paul spoke about the thorn in his side: “To keep me from becoming too conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh”. For 2000 years scholars have been debating about what they think Paul’s struggle was. Some think it was a sexual obsession or weakness. Others think it was a pride or ego battle. We’ll never know. `
What’s your thing? Whatever it is, name it, right now. Just naming resistance causes it to lose much of its power over us. And simply naming what we are struggling with helps us to start down a healthier road.
#stewartlifecoaching #feedingyourhunger 
