Falling in Love

The day you fall in love with learning, your life changes forever. I went to great schools growing up, but they didn’t teach me to love learning. Throughout my teenage years I had a job after school. The boss taught me to think. He was similar to a modern day Socrates, raising questions for me to think about. He would challenge me. My spiritual awakening ignited my love of learning. I suddenly went from being a kid who almost never finished an assigned book in school to being one not only reading everything for school but also reading great spiritual books on the side. Wherever you find excellence, you find continuous learning. They go hand in hand. Wherever you find that continuous learning is missing, you find mediocrity. Make a list to stop, take a breath and listen to the quiet. You’ll be surprised what you hear.
1. Pray everyday
2. Exercise everyday
3. Read everyday
4. Write everyday
It is clear that God does not want us to be negative thinkers. But he also doesn’t want our thinking to be neutral. He wants us to be positive thinkers on an epic scale.
Do something today to stoke your love of learning.
#stewartlifecoaching #fallinlovewithlearning #strengthenyourmindÂ