Are You a Pilgrim or a Tourist?

Are you going to be a pilgrim or are you going to be a tourist? Tourist want everything to go exactly as the have planned and imagined it. They rush around from one place to another making sure they cram everything in. They are constantly buying souvenirs and knickknacks, many of which they will look at when they return home and wonder, “What was I thinking?” Tourists get upset if there are delays. They demand prompt attention and service to their every need and desire. They focus on themselves, often shoving past others to get where they want to go. Tourists go sightseeing. Tourists count the cost.
Pilgrims are very different. They look for signs. If a flight gets delayed or canceled, the ask, “What is Go trying to say to me?” Pilgrims are not concerned with seeing and doing everything, just the things they feel called to see and do. They are not obsessed with shopping. They are aware of the needs of others. Pilgrims go looking for meaning. Pilgrims count their blessings. We are only here on earth for the blink of an eye. this is not our home. That’s why the happiness that God wants and created us for is very different from the fleeting happiness and momentary pleasures of this world. God created us for lasting happiness in a changing world and eternal happiness with him in heaven. The happiness he wants for us in this life in a rare kind of happiness that is not dependent on situations or circumstances. It is easy to be happy when everything is going well. but Christian joy allows us to be happy like Paul was when he was in prison. Do you ever thing about heaven? The best friends in the world encourage us and challenge us to become the best version of ourselves, and by doing so, they help us to get to heaven. We are just passing through this place we call earth. We are pilgrims. Spend some time today thinking about heaven.
#stewartlifecoaching #pilgrimortourist #TrustInGodÂ