If you have been in a relationship for some time, you may experience moments that you feel like you have lost that passion you used to have for the other.
Maybe you have gotten used to being with each other or maybe you and the other are going through a different stage of relationship and this is why you start to feel uncomfortable about it.
If so, it may be time to reflect about your relationship and think about how you should work with the other to make the sparkle come back.
Even if you feel happy about your relationship right now, doing a reflection about your relationship once in a while can strengthen your relationship. Not just with your partner, but friends, and co-workers. This can apply to all.
Here are the some relationship questions that can change your life:
What was your first impression about the other?
What did you like or love about the other?
How did the relationship start?
Do you still like what you loved about the other and why?
Are you happy with the intimacy you share?
Do you feel the same the way you felt for the other at the beginning of the relationship?
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